Man Hopes to Sting Away Effects of MS
THE WOODLANDS — The fatigue from Alan Swor’s multiple sclerosis was so bad that he had to stop and rest while brushing his teeth or while shaving.
However, the 48-year-old resident of The Woodlands is feeling much better and the fatigue is almost gone since starting a treatment regimen that involves stinging himself with bees. It’s called Bee Venom Therapy.
“It hurts,” Swor said about the stings.
Swor turned to Bee Venom Therapy because his doctor’s prescriptions were not effective.
“Nothing that the doctor told me was helping. I was using all kinds of drugs to treat MS symptoms,” he said.
His sister, Brenda Vozzo, is his health care provider and assists him by picking up bees from the Montgomery County Beekeeper Association three times per week and stinging him with about 30 bees during each treatment. Beekeepers are donating the bees to Swor at no cost, he said.
A friend told Swor about Bee Venom Therapy and he began to research it. He found Alan Lorenzo’s website, Lorenzo lives in Stanford, Conn., and flew to Houston to train Swor and his sister.
“You need to know what to do and where to sting yourself,” Lorenzo said. “You just can’t sting yourself anywhere and expect it to work,”
Lorenzo is certified in Apitherapy, using bees and products of the hive to treat health conditions. He is a member of the American Apitherapy Society.
“It’s been called America’s best-kept medicine secret,” Lorenzo said.
Bee Venom Therapy is the therapeutic application of honeybee venom through live bee stings to bring relief and healing for various spinal, neural, joint or musculo-skeletal ailments, according to Lorenzo’s website.

Lorenzo said bee venom is antibacterial, antiviral and kills cancer cells.

“Only during the first stage, if you sting a cancer tumor with a bee sting, it disappears,” he said.

Conditions that respond to the treatment are Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, depression, fibromyalgia, bursitis, tendinitis, lupus and many more, Lorenzo said…

Apitherapy News